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Audit your net promoter score on a quarterly basis

If you missed Day 10 and 11, you’ll have to read the post from yesterday which was about customer metrics and it included NPS and CLV. Today let’s dive a little deeper on NPS – or net promoter score (NPS). As a truly customer-centric organization, auditing your NPS at least every six months will provide […]

Here’s three ways to measure the success of a customer-centric company.

Happy Monday! Thoughts of this past weekend on customer-centricity. This weekend originally started as a mental health break. It’s also my birthday month. I have a few events planned. This is my favorite season. (not the winter cold, but the spirit of Christmas.) Anyways, this past weekend, I had a girls day scheduled to go […]

Customer Experience Matters in 2023

Did you know that even when hundreds of other eCommerce stores are offering the same products and services, you can still penetrate the market, generate sales, and scale your business? “Did you know that brands with a great Customer Experience (CX) generate 5.7 times more revenue than competitors with a poor CX? It’s also worth knowing that 84% […]

Why IS Customer Journey Mapping So Important?

Woman with shopping bags

Here’s a quick rundown of the eight main reasons how customer journey mapping is so important to your Ecommerce business: 1) Shows you how customers are interacting with your site: There’s always a risk that E-tailers will view the customer journey from the perspective of the company, through an analytics dashboard, rather than in a […]