hello at scs-digitalmarketing.com

Improve your Email Strategy

in 30 Days

What You’ll Get

  1. We’ll do an audit of your current email marketing strategy and provide recommendations for next steps.
  2. We’ll devise effective email marketing strategy tailored for your business.
  3. We will show you the important email marketing analytics to pay attention to.

Only $750  (Valued at $1500)

for 4 week virtual coaching session

What happens when you improve your email marketing strategy?

  1. You’ll see an increase in revenue. That can be through an increase through more orders or an increase in AOV.
  2. You’ll see an increase in click through rate – meaning they are opening and clicking on links.
  3. You’ll see an increase in subscribers which also means more future revenue.

Sign up for 4-week virtual coaching session to improve your email marketing strategy in 30 days. Today.

“I want to do a business with a company that treats emailing me as a privilege, not a transaction.” – Andrea Mignolo

What do we cover:

IMPORTANT! This does require that you have knowledge on how to work in the email marketing service platform. I am not training you on how to use it. I am going to recommend how to set up the best automation flows and content for acquisition, growth and retention. We will be discussing customer journey and email marketing strategy.

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