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Full Service Email and SMS Services

We’re here to help you increase your brand awareness, engagement, and revenue through these powerful channels.

Our email marketing services start with building a targeted email list of people who are genuinely interested in your brand and what you have to offer. We’ll help you create a sign-up form on your website that offers a lead magnet, such as a free e-book or webinar, to encourage people to sign up for your email list.

We’ll then help you personalize your emails to increase engagement. We use personalization techniques such as including the recipient’s name in the subject line and body of the email, and segmenting your email list based on interests, demographics, and past purchases to send more relevant content.

Our team of expert copywriters will help you create engaging content that’s tailored to your audience’s interests. We focus on providing value to your subscribers and building a strong relationship with them. We also use A/B testing to test different subject lines, CTAs, and content to see what works best for your audience.

Our SMS marketing services are a great way to reach customers who prefer to communicate via text message. We’ll help you create concise and engaging messages that include a clear CTA. We use SMS marketing software that allows us to track opens, clicks, and conversions to optimize your campaigns.

We’ll also help you leverage automation to save time and increase efficiency. We set up welcome emails, abandoned cart emails, and other automated messages to engage with customers at key points in their journey.

Finally, we’ll measure the success of your email and SMS campaigns by tracking metrics such as open rates, click-through rates, and conversions. We use this data to refine your strategy and improve your results over time.

Incorporating our email and SMS marketing services into your strategy can help you achieve your business goals. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you increase your brand awareness, engagement, and revenue

If you are looking to overhaul your email marketing program, are in a search of an email marketing automation assistance or simply want to maximize the results of your email marketing efforts, SCS Digital Marketing is here to assist you.

Email Marketing Service Providers We Work With:

Klaviyo | Mailchimp | ActiveCampaign | Hubspot

Email Management Services

Our services include everything from email template design, email launches, drip campaigns to email nurturing and newsletter management services.

Email Templates

We can design your email marketing templates that combine elements of visual design and technical savvy with the appropriate call to action that cater to the specific needs of your audience while maintaining the look and feel of your overall brand.

Email Marketing Audit

We will perform a comprehensive review of all of your previous campaigns and subscriber database to gain an understanding of your current email marketing strategy. Specific elements of the evaluation include a review of your current design and copy, email marketing tools and database health. From there, we can create an email marketing plan that will help increase the effectiveness of your email marketing campaigns and grow your business.

Customized List Segmentation

By undertaking email list segmentation, you can use your email marketing to nurture prospects and guide them down the sales funnel from the awareness stage to a final sale. Everything from a recipient’s business, job title and previous content interaction can be taken into account, allowing you to leverage unique, valuable content for different audience segments.

Content Driven Email Marketing Strategy

We will help you dive deep into the goals of your various email campaigns, allowing you to zero in on how much your content marketing strategy is resonating with your target audience and why. From here, email campaigns can be fine-tuned further to improve results and ensure business goals are being met.

Targeted Asset Launch Campaigns

Lead-generation assets such as eBooks and white papers require proper promotion to maximize results, and email marketing remains a cornerstone of these efforts alongside social media and dedicated landing page creation. If you’re looking to demonstrate your authority and establish thought leadership in your industry, asset creation is only the first step.

SCS Digital Marketing will create email content to be sent to a specified database of recipients, ensuring each email features links to dedicated landing pages customized with conversion in mind. By incorporating editorial and user experience design best practices, including engaging subject lines, rich media inclusion in the body of the email and expert call-to-action design and placement, you can increase your open, click-through and download rates.

Automated Email Messaging and Synchronized Sends

In addition to coordinating asset launch campaigns, we can sync your email list with your customer relationship management software to record converted prospects. Automatic email replies can then be used to ensure tailored thank you messages are sent to interested recipients, keeping them engaged and providing a personalized user experience.

Drip Email Campaigns

Initial email outreach can be enhanced through the use of email drip campaigns. Beyond downloadable assets, drip campaigns can be used for everything from new email subscriber onboarding to general brand awareness efforts, creating a series of digital touchpoints that will automatically be sent out to specified prospects on a routine basis. Using email automation software, SCS Digital Marketing is capable of crafting custom email drip campaigns that deliver relevant, targeted content marketing to keep prospective customers interested in your brand offerings, all designed to avoid overwhelming recipients with haphazardly planned, irrelevant follow-up emails.

Newsletter Management Services

Newsletters are still among the most popular forms of email content marketing. They provide you with a regular opportunity to engage with prospective customers and increase subscribers, remaining top of mind for your target audience while also providing valuable content designed to build brand authority and encourage sales or referrals.

SCS Digital Marketing email marketing automation capabilities make it easy to automatically reach vast numbers of consumers via email on a regular basis. We will help you determine who should receive your newsletter, what time, and how best to engage your audience and avoid generic messaging. Using personas for your website visitors and buyers, including advanced demographics information and details regarding what stage of the sales funnel the recipient is in, you can count on personalized, targeted and high-quality email newsletters that translate to higher open rates, click-through rates and conversions.

We believe it’s essential to find a balance between education and entertainment when creating an email newsletter strategy. After segmenting your recipient list into specific groups, you can easily determine the proper mix between information, interesting content and promotion. This way you can keep audiences engaged without your content reading as overly salesy or extraneous.

Have a Question?

Not sure what you need? Schedule a one-on-one, We’re always interested in hearing from you. Don’t hesitate to contact me if you’d like to talk about a specific issue you are dealing with in your business. Give us a call or send us a e-mail. Call 770-293-8900.