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Your e-commerce website should be able to sell across all devices, not just mobile.

While ensuring that your e-commerce website functions across all devices, are you keeping your customers’ shopping experience in mind?

Is Your Ecommerce Website Responsive?

When it comes to having a responsive e-commerce website, it means that your website can display with proper dimensions across a variety of devices, including smartphones, tablets, laptops, and desktops.

Responsive websites adapt to the user’s screen size, no matter what device they are on. Responsive layouts are designed in percentages instead of fixed widths, so it isn’t necessary to create multiple versions of your website like adaptive web design.  What is an adaptive web design? Adaptive web design uses static layouts based on breakpoints. It automatically detects the user’s device screen size and loads the appropriate layout for it.

The drawback of adaptive web design is the intensive design process. Web developers and designers have to create layouts for at least six different screen widths to account for the possible six devices from the smallest mobile device to the largest desktop width.

If you missed this, in 2015, Google announced they would penalize websites that are not mobile responsive.

Is Responsive better than Adaptive?

It comes down to the user’s experience. When it comes to designing your e-commerce website, your website must perform for the optimal user experience if they are on the desktop, laptop, tablet, or smartphone.

Even though Google has endorsed responsive web design as their recommended design pattern, Google also has a set of metrics for ranking, including page speed and user experience.

How fast or how long does it take for your e-commerce website to load, for example. Google does use page speed in consideration of how high to rank your page. Since more than 73% of mobile users complain that they have encountered websites that take too long to load, using Google PageSpeed Insight Mobile Lab is invaluable. What should be your e-commerce ideal load time? 2 to 5 seconds.

Keep Your Users Needs in Mind

Google uses user signals to find out how visitors experience your website. User signals are behavioral patterns that Google sees on your website. That is why a positive experience on your website can contribute to your rankings.  Yoast believes that SEO only works when you use a holistic approach to improve all aspects of a website to make it rank higher in the search engine. The ultimate goal is to make the website fulfill its users’ needs on all levels.

Your e-commerce website’s success not only depends on being able to display its contents correctly across all devices but on providing a positive online shopping experience with your store.

If you need assistance with your e-commerce website or would like a competitive analysis of your e-commerce website, contact us today or fill out our survey.

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