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When working on your content for your website or your overall content strategy, here is a suggestion that might be helpful. That is using the letter “E” as a guide. The letter “E” in Google’s search quality guideline acronym, “E-A-T.” It stands for Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness.

Let’s look at the letter “E” or Expertise.

What is your area of Expertise?

As a small business owner, we all started our business to solve a problem. We saw a need and we felt that we could provide the solution in the form of services or products.

We are experts in that area. Whatever you do, you are an expert. If you’re a CPA, that is your area of expertise. If you’re a yoga instructor that specializes in Ashtanga Yoga, that is your area of expertise. If you’re a hemp farmer, that is your area of expertise.

What if you’re an online e-tailer that sells contemporary home goods and accessories, what is your area of expertise?  Let’s pause for a moment there. Are you an online e-tailer that “just focuses contemporary home goods?” What if you were focusing on Scandinavian home goods and accessories? You offer the finest, and best brands of Scandinavian furniture and homeware at your site. Your website offers look-book inspirations, suggestions, and measurement guides. That is your area of expertise.

Using Expertise to Generate Content

When we attempt to generate content for our website, email, social media, videos, and any other content, keeping the letter “E” in our mind will be a helpful guide for us.

The biggest one we need to keep in mind about is our website. Our website is our main source where many of our prospects and customers learn about us. We have four types of visitors that come to our website and our content needs to address each one of them.

Your New Visitors or The Browser.

These people do not have a purpose yet when they land on your website. They may have arrived at your website for the first time or second time. They are just getting information, learning about you, your business and your products or services. Your blog would be one example of showcasing your area of expertise. If you don’t blog, then make sure your website content showcases your area of expertise clearly, and concisely. Your new visitor or browser’s attention span are very short. You need to capture their attention quickly if you want them to return for another look.

The Comparer.

This visitor has gathered enough information and is now browsing your website against your competitor’s website, comparing benefits, features, prices and services.

Here is where you want to make sure your offer, if you have one on your website, is clear, enticing and fully transparent. What other content can you offer them? Product Spec sheets with product descriptions, service descriptions, white papers and case studies, portfolio with gallery of images, clear terms on payment, and return policies.

The Return Visitor.

This type of visitor keeps coming back, keeps browsing and reading your blogs, articles. But does not take any action. They may need further proof that your company is the right choice for them.

How can you help this visitor? Product reviews, customer reviews, videos of your customer testimonials may help, and videos of your products in action.

The Buyer.

This visitor has finally decided to do business with you. They trust you and they like your products or services. What you now need to do is to provide a pleasant and hassle-free buying process.

Your customer service experience should be thought through from the start to the end. What will their online experience be like when they decide to buy? Make sure they get a welcome e-mail. Will they need instruction manual? Or will a video be better?  Remember you want them to do continued business with you and provide referrals to your business.

What is Next?

All of the content suggestions for each of your website visitors as you can see, will impact your other areas of content. White papers, case studies, videos, reviews, or testimonials. Your social media is your other area of content.

How do you showcase your area of expertise in social media? Going live on LinkedIn or Facebook, showing demonstrations of your products. Providing webinars. Getting reviews on your Facebook and on Google My Business. Gaining testimonials on LinkedIn.

Your website visitors will see your social media content one way or another. They may engage with you on your social media channels or follow you.

Your content strategy should always be keeping your ideal target markets in mind. Are you clearly addressing their needs? Are you answering their questions? Are you showing them how you can help them or benefit their lives? If you can answer the majority of their questions, your website will rank accordingly and get conversions.

If you need assistance with your content strategy, contact us or fill out our survey.

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