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Today, the internet is the #1 source for consumers to get inspiration and education on any topic. This means a number of potential customers browse Google, social media, and blogs regularly to either learn about any product, service or company.

The very first question from any business owner is usually; “how can I get in front of customers online with the all the competition on social media and google searches?” Short answer: the most effective way to accomplish this is through strategic digital marketing.

By incorporating some digital tactics into your marketing plan, you can separate your business from your competitors. With online strategies, you can increase your business visibility and awareness, showcase your work with a professional platform, engage with potential customers, and obtain new business leads. However, a major challenge you may run into is making sure your marketing strategy is effective enough to achieve your business goals and prove long-term results.

You’re probably looking for effective online marketing tips and tactics for your business. Here are some marketing essentials you should use in your business to maintain your lead flow and obtain a profit. A strong digital presence takes a lot of time, effort, and resources to develop, but these building blocks of online marketing strategies will provide positive results when implemented correctly.

  1. Build a Website with Compelling Story

In digital marketing, there is a range of marketing channels consumers can obtain information on. However, the first point of interaction between a business and consumers is a functional website. This is where people go to learn more about your brand, who you are, and what solutions you provide. Often your website is the first impression to a potential customer, therefore, having an attractive site that provides knowledge and is simple to navigate can easily convert to new business.

  1. Start Blogging

Blogging is one of the best ways to show your expertise and talent in your field. You can easily add a blog to your website or create a free blog site that you can update weekly. Your blog is where you can get creative and give perspective on different topics in the industry. Blogs can also improve your SEO by using keywords and phrases and identifying them in your blog platform. We suggest posting on a blog once a week or at least twice a month to keep your page updated and improve your search relevancy.

  1. Use Social Media

If you don’t have your business account on social media, it’s time to get on the bandwagon!  Creating social media accounts is completely free for almost every platform and is a great way to engage and attract potential clients. It’s also important to interact with followers by commenting on their posts, liking their posts and responding to any messages you receive.

  1. Utilize Video

Videos today are more crucial than ever in the digital marketing world. One major benefit of using videos is that they can rank well in search engine results and capture consumers’ attention longer than a static photo. Videos also create a sense of entertainment with music and cinematic features. It doesn’t have to be high production or use fancy equipment, just grab your smartphone and hit record! You can then upload the video to your website and any social media pages you’re using.

  1. Improve your SEO

One of the most effective tactics to improve your brand exposure online is through strategic SEO. SEO stands for ‘search engine optimization’ and includes a set of strategies and campaigns designed to optimize your online presence to make sure it’s more visible on search engines like Google, Bing, and Yahoo. SEO is primarily centered on a business owner’s website, but it can also include social media, Google platform, listing websites, and other such factors.

All of these tactics can be used to increase brand awareness, target new customers, find new leads, retain customers and ultimately increase revenue for your business. A sound digital strategy can help businesses drive website traffic, increase brand awareness and lift sales. To succeed you need to rely on several types of marketing. There’s also email, pay-per-click and other types of digital marketing activities to consider.

That is where SCS Digital Marketing comes in. Let us take care of your digital marketing strategy while you focus on what you do best.

Is your website working for you? We can perform a website audit or digital marketing audit for you. A website audit would provide an analysis on all the factors that affect your website’s visibility in search engines. A digital marketing audit provides an insight into how each of your channel (website, social, email, seo) is performing so you can define and design a digital marketing strategy that works.

Let’s talk – send email to hello at scs-digitalmarketing.com.

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